COVID Vaccines | "Pfizer Trial On 6 Month to 4 Year-Old Children. Likelihood That This Vaccine Is Actually Causing Severe COVID Is Higher Than the Likelihood That It Isn't." - Dr Clare Craig
Ty & Charlene Bollinger | “We Are Now Listed As A Disinformation Dozen On The 12 Most Dangerous People In The World For Telling The Truth About Vaccines.” - Charlene Bollinger
Havana Clark | Moms On a Mission Interview Clay Clark's 18-Year-Old Daughter On Why Vaccines Should Not Be Mandated, the Benefits of Classical Education And the Importance of Knowing the World-View of the Educators Who Are Teaching Your Children
How to Buffer, Neutralize, and Demagnetize Nano Poisons of Graphene, Aluminum, Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Fluoride, PFOA, PFOS, Glyphosate, Iron, PEG, Hydrogel, just to name a few - Part 1
COVID-19 Shots | "Before COVID-19 Vaccines There Were 4 Cases of Myocarditis Per Million. The Current Estimates Are Now 25,000 Cases Per Million, Myocarditis Is Due To the COVID-19 Vaccines Until Proven Otherwise." - Dr. Peter McCullough