2 years agoToca Na Alma😭🎶 Hino Que Abalou As Igrejas Do Brasi Com Forte Unção• Grande É O Senhor|Ane AlmaChristian Sonic Oficial
2 years agoO Hino Que Fez O Brasil Receber O Espírito Em 2022😭🔥É De Arrepiar😱• Canaã|Daniel OliverChristianSonic
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2 years agoImpactado com Esse Louvor Australiano😭 O Mais Lindo que Já Ouvi ❤ Precious Me - PlanetshakersChristian Sonic Oficial
2 years agoEsse é o Segredo da Força dos Ucranianos que Invocam o Senhor 💪🔥 Vitaliy - Cover FernandinhoChristian Sonic Oficial
1 year agoSupreme Court Strikes Biden Down Again | The Student Debt Bailout Is DeadMatt ChristiansenVerified
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1 year agoHack Reporter Insists No Dems Support Late-Term Abortion, Challenging DeSantis | None, Except MostMatt ChristiansenVerified
1 year agoDurham Report Details FBI Corruption in Trump-Russia Investigation | They Were With HerMatt ChristiansenVerified
1 year agoOn the Senate’s Massive Spy Bill Lindsey Graham Didn’t Even Know He Co-Sponsors | The Restrict ActMatt ChristiansenVerified
1 year agoBoston EMS Find 4 Children Hidden With Dead Transgender Body | Then Police Deny the Whole ThingMatt ChristiansenVerified
1 year agoWhat Happened With the QAnon Shaman Jan 6 Video in Court? | Did the DOJ Withhold Evidence?Matt ChristiansenVerified
1 year agoFind Me on TENET Media Monday Nov 6 | A New Opportunity for My ContentMatt ChristiansenVerified
1 year agoBlack Lives Matter Is Running Out of Money, but Still Paying the Homies | Corrupt Until BrokeMatt ChristiansenVerified
2 years agoToca A Alma😭🎶Essa Canção Está Emocionando O Mundo😱2022• Via Dolorosa | Felipe Rosa Feat Vitor DiasChristian Sonic Oficial
2 years agoO Que Aconteceu nessa Arena ?? 😭🔥 Eles Chamaram e o Fogo Desceu !! BARAK // Feat. THALLESChristian Sonic Oficial
2 years agoATF and Canadian Mountie Team Up to Spy on Montana Gun Show | Constitutional Sheriff Busts It UpMatt ChristiansenVerified
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1 year agoNew York Nurse Falsely Accused of Stealing Bike From a Black Guy | Another Shocking Racial HoaxMatt ChristiansenVerified
2 years agoHino Lindo De Adoração😭🎶Vai Te Surpreender•O Som Da Adoração|Renato MartinsChristian Sonic Oficial