2 years agoJuly 21, 2021 🇺🇸 MOTHER MARY SAYS... You're now entering the 7-year Tribulation and Vision of the RaptureFaith Truth Warnings ❤️ Glaube Wahrheit Warnungen
7 months agoPsalm 145 (BSB): I Will Exalt You, My God and King (antiphon: v.15; Proper 13 B)Lutheran Hymn Sing and Chant
2 years agoHuman organs grown in pigs now acceptable to use as transplants - does God approve?Prepare For The Apocalypse
6 months agoPsalm 9 (BSB): I Will Give Thanks to the LORD with All My Heart (antiphon: v.16)Lutheran Hymn Sing and Chant
8 months agoPsalm 123 (BSB): I Lift Up My Eyes to You (antiphon: v.1; Proper 9 B)Lutheran Hymn Sing and Chant
7 months agoPsalm 136 (BSB): Give Thanks to the Lord (antiphon: v.26; Proper 12 B)Lutheran Hymn Sing and Chant