General Flynn | “A Pardon Should Not Mitigate Murder.” - Flynn + Celebrating Early Trump 47 Wins + Why Did Ellison Say? "You Can Design a Vaccine for Every Individual Person. Make That mRNA Vaccine Robotically Using AI."
🔥🔥Trennedy 2024! Brilliant Strategic Alignment Or Unholy Alliance Doomed For Betrayal & Disappointment? Will The Trump Kennedy Unity Ticket Even MATTER In The General?🔥🔥
White Hats Arrest US Army General H.R. McMaster, Retd., for Aiding FEMA in Deep State’s “Eminant Domain” Takeover of North Carolina/it's more of a movie than most of us ever imagined!!!
Bird Flu | Why Is An International Avian Influenza & One Health Emerging Issues Summit Being Hosted Sept 30th - Oct 3rd 2024? What Is More Shameless? Another Plandemic Or Funeral Crashing? Is Bird Flu Disease X?
mPOX | W.H.O. Declares Mpox Global Health Emergency, Gold Hits $2,507 Per Ounce, 159 Countries to Adopt BRICS Payment System + "If We Got AGI, That Would Be Interesting for Mr. God, Competition for Being God." - 8/16/24
General Flynn & Republican Members Of Congress Want Biden Impeached For Bombing Russia Illegally/Congressman Thomas Massie Says Biden Is Committing ‘Unconstitutional Act Of War’/Climate Change Activists Who Threw Red Powder on Constitution Display