ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Greek” - Grecas, "Greeks, inhabitants of Greece," from Latin Graeci "the Hellenes," Graikhos as equivalent to Hellenes is found in Aristotle ("Meteorologica") 🕎Acts 16;1-24 KJV
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “mischief” - c. 1300, "evil condition, wickedness, wrongdoing, evil," harm, trouble; “vexation" from meschever "come or bring to grief, (Meaning "harm or evil” "playful malice”
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “anointed” - late 14c., "smeared with oil," past-participle adjective from anoint (v.) The noun meaning "a consecrated one" (as in Lord's Anointed) 🕎2 Samuel 5;1-12 KJV
Biden’s National Security Advisor (Woke Treasonous Pig), Jake Sullivan, issues Threat to President Trump. Pig just said the quiet part out loud: "An unexpected event in the next few days is TOTALLY POSSIBLE"