Mike in The Night E490 - France is Burning , American Takeover of China, EU merchants brace for a cashless future?, Jail Time for believing in Jesus Christ in Israel, Massive Israeli Protests
Abraham Hicks—Gay Rights | Fascinating Dialogue That Can Apply to Straight People Just as Much, if Not More (as There are More of You!) NOTE: This Dialogue is Before Obama Disingenuously Gave Her, Her "Rights".. That Could Never Come From Gov.
Abraham Hicks—When You Can NO LONGER Change the Immediate Timeline (AKA a Locked Timeline), But CAN Create a Soothing Experience Through it AND THEN Manifest a New Positive Timeline to Follow!
What is the 2nd Wave of Volunteers/Starseeds Like? — Dolores Cannon | WE in 5D: The 2nd Wave is Me. And is Probably the Wave Earth Has the Most Quantity of at the Moment.