The Great Reset Agenda Is Being Coordinated By ARIZONA'S Shadow Gov't Deep State Operative, ASU President & CIA In-Q-Tel Chair, MICHAEL CROW! The State Destroying America ALSO Has The ONLY Solution To TAKE HER BACK!
Tribute to the Controversial Jordan Maxwell: "THERE WAS NO KING SOLOMON", and More! — Featuring Kerry Cassidy, Alex Jones, and More! | Jordan Maxwell 1940–2022
Divine Sovereignty Meditation — Isis Version of Meditation for Personality-Types Which Resonate with, or ARE Starseeds/Clusters/Tribes of Sirius (Teachings of ANY Kind are Useless or Completely Counteractive if Personalties Concerned Clash/Mismatch).
ARIES ♈️ April 2023 — Earning & Learning YOUR POWER, But do Stay Humble and Avoid Self-Sabotage.. + MASSIVE Healing Coming, on Multiple Dimensions! (Rather Convoluted “Saga” and Somewhat Challenging Reading for Me to do)
“You Have to be Vulnerable and Genuine Enough to Say ‘I Don’t Want to be in This’, But Strong and Courageous Enough to be in It!” | The TRUE Way to Manifest — Phil Good and Lorie Ladd
My Statement on TRUMP’S UPCOMING ARREST (During This New Moon, No Less) + Collective New Moon Reading: This Unexpected Event Changes Everything! The Missing Puzzle Peace Clicks, and Inner-Standing Hits. The Way Out was Through all Along!