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2 years agoFlorida Election Integrity Research & Findings by Don Kehr & Kris Jurski - Apr. 7, 2022Welcome to Vance Jochim's FiscalRangers Rumble Channel
8 months agoTod Howard, Candidate for Clermont, FL City Council tells us what is neededWelcome to Vance Jochim's FiscalRangers Rumble Channel
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11 months agoVideo of FL House Dist. 27 Republican Candidates, Beckie Sirolli & Steve ShivesWelcome to Vance Jochim's FiscalRangers Rumble Channel
11 months agoHow will Lake County FL Senate Dist. 13 candidate Keith Truenow act in your interests - WATCH this!Welcome to Vance Jochim's FiscalRangers Rumble Channel