MIT AlterEgo | What Is MIT's AlterEgo Project? Why Are Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, Xi Jinping Are Encouraging the Use of Brain Chips & Brain-Computer Interfaces? "You Do Not Even Have to Have ELECTIONS ANYMORE." - Schwab
Bob Chiaradio Calls For Resignation Or Ouster Of Westerly SC Member Bowdy, Superintendent Garceau and Asst. Super. Storey Over Secrecy And Performance Failures
Tower of Babel | What Is the Connection Between Nimrod, Gilgamesh, the Tower of Babel, The Gilgamesh Project, the Drying Euphrates, Revelation 16-12-14? "AI Is Seizing the Master Key, Unlocking the Doors All of Our Institutions from Banks"