Lori Gregory & Andy Wakefeld | “Having Watched This Film We Can No Longer Prosecute This Case In The Same Way And She Will Be Released From Prison Next Week.” - Andy Wakefeld
Dr. Judy Mikovitz - Moleqcular biologist and medical researcher The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.
Yuval Noah Harari | "Bio-Engineering 2,000 Years Ago In China?! Yes. Castration Is Bio-Engineering. A.I. Can Potentially Take Power Away from Us. You Apply for a Job. Increasingly an A.I. Is Making a Decision."
Dr. Stella Immanuel | “What Has Happened To Our Spiritual Capacity That We Don’t Know How To Break Free From The Trappings Of World?” - Dr. Stella Immanuel
CROWN | "The Crown Measures Your Neural Activity, The Data Allows Us to Use This Stimuli to Create a Desire Mental State." - Neurosity Crown | Corona = Crown | Corona = 666 | Revelation 6-2 | Once They Control the Data In Your Head
CBDC | "If You Believe We Are Overpopulated. How Is Not Going to Be That the Policies That You Craft Stemming from That Narrative Are Colored by the Belief That There's Far To Many People." - Jordan Peterson (Canadian Psychologist & Aut