1. CROSSBOW 🏹 💎 Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    CROSSBOW 🏹 💎 Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  2. Gold 🟡 ALBINO Bison - 1st Rare For the New 7MM - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    Gold 🟡 ALBINO Bison - 1st Rare For the New 7MM - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  3. CROSSBOW 🏹 vs 💎 CROCODILE 🐊 - Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    CROSSBOW 🏹 vs 💎 CROCODILE 🐊 - Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  4. CROSSBOW 🏹 Piebald 🐊 Gator Up close - Post Emerald Update - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    CROSSBOW 🏹 Piebald 🐊 Gator Up close - Post Emerald Update - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  5. 11 DIAMONDS? Insane BASS Competition - Leads To Double Digit Dimes - Call of the Wild theAngler

    11 DIAMONDS? Insane BASS Competition - Leads To Double Digit Dimes - Call of the Wild theAngler

  6. LAYTON - Diamond & Rare Hunting - Subscribers Choice - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    LAYTON - Diamond & Rare Hunting - Subscribers Choice - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  7. ALIEN 👽 Moose Abduction Attempt! - New England - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    ALIEN 👽 Moose Abduction Attempt! - New England - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  8. theHunter: Call of the Wild - Diamonds & Rares Montage #22 Console

    theHunter: Call of the Wild - Diamonds & Rares Montage #22 Console

  9. NEW TruRacs Hunting for Initial DIAMOND & RARE Ep 47 - After Emerald - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    NEW TruRacs Hunting for Initial DIAMOND & RARE Ep 47 - After Emerald - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  10. Springbok 🎯 Challenge - With The .22-250 - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    Springbok 🎯 Challenge - With The .22-250 - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  11. DIAMONDS & RARES Montage #34 - Console - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    DIAMONDS & RARES Montage #34 - Console - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  12. BOW Hunting A New England Whitetail Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    BOW Hunting A New England Whitetail Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  13. Banteng 🎯 Challenge - w/470 - Slugged Sambar - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    Banteng 🎯 Challenge - w/470 - Slugged Sambar - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  14. GEMSBOK - Inline Muzzleloader Competition - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    GEMSBOK - Inline Muzzleloader Competition - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  15. Red Deer Diamonds Montage 18 Trophies - Console - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    Red Deer Diamonds Montage 18 Trophies - Console - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  16. DIAMONDS & RARES Montage #35 - Console - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    DIAMONDS & RARES Montage #35 - Console - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  17. Roe Deer 🎯 Weekly Diamond Challenge - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    Roe Deer 🎯 Weekly Diamond Challenge - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  18. WHITETAIL 🎯 Competition - .243 - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    WHITETAIL 🎯 Competition - .243 - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  19. TOP 10 DLC For Me In theHunter: Call of the Wild In 2023

    TOP 10 DLC For Me In theHunter: Call of the Wild In 2023

  20. 1st 💎 w/New 7MM Bolt 💔 Heart Shot - Brown Bear - theHunter Call of the Wild #shorts

    1st 💎 w/New 7MM Bolt 💔 Heart Shot - Brown Bear - theHunter Call of the Wild #shorts

  21. GRAY WOLF Competition - .454 - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    GRAY WOLF Competition - .454 - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  22. 500 YARD Heart Shot! & Mule Deer Competition - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    500 YARD Heart Shot! & Mule Deer Competition - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  23. RED FOX 🎯 Weekly Diamond Challenge - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    RED FOX 🎯 Weekly Diamond Challenge - Diamond & Rare Hunting - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  24. Rocky Mountain ELK 💎 Diamond vs 30-06 Triple Vital - theHunter: Call of the Wild Diamond #shorts

    Rocky Mountain ELK 💎 Diamond vs 30-06 Triple Vital - theHunter: Call of the Wild Diamond #shorts

  25. SMOKING A 💎 Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    SMOKING A 💎 Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts
