1 year ago1/11/23 Nancy Drew-Video 1(10:45am)-Waiting for Flight In-Its Going Down-Timber!!Truth and Freedom Videos
1 year ago2/7/23 Nancy Drew-Video 6(8:20pm)-SOTU Day-Evening Cont'd-MotorcadeTruth and Freedom Videos
1 year ago2/7/23 Nancy Drew-Video 2(12:10pm)-SOTU Day-Continuation Previous Video CutoffTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago11/18/22 Nancy Drew-Video 2(11:15am)-WH Northside-Moving Trucks-Christmas Decorations??Truth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago11/21/22 Nancy Drew- Video 1(11:00am)- Capitol Marine Buses Gone- Regular People Were in Them...Truth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago12/13/22 Nancy Drew-Video 2(12:15pm) -Capitol Area-Lots of Big Buses-For African Summit??Truth and Freedom Videos
1 year ago4/27/23 Nancy Drew-Video 2(11:30am)-Bring Your Kid to Work Day for Sleepy- WTH???Truth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago3/23/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 1-Capitol-Nothing on Sleepy Schedule Again Today-LANGUAGE-One F BombTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago4/5/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 5-No Security for Obummer-Moved the Event Inside SupposedlyTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago4/13/22-Nancy Drew in DC-Video 1-Union Station- No MSM or Immigrants...Truth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago4/12/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 2-WH- Scapegoat=Putin...Video Scrambles a Bit...Truth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago4/11/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 3-Southside WH-Setting Up a Week Early for Easter EggsTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago4/20/22 Nancy Drew in DC- Video 2- Huge Police Meeting- Progression of Dept- Last 10 Minutes is BestTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago4/20/22 Nancy Drew-Video 1-Capitol(Crapitol)Update-It Sure Seems Like The End of the Movie is Near.Truth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago5/3/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 1- Supreme Court Planned Protest After Planned Leak- Language AlertTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago5/13/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 5-Fallen Officers Families Coming in For Vigil- Heartbreaking...Truth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago5/12/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 1-Capitol Quiet Today-Snipers on Roof-Flags for C-19 Murders/DeathsTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago5/11/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 6-Capitol-This is More Than the King of Jordan-Busiest Day in a WhileTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago5/16/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 1-Capitol and Supreme Court- Lots of Chatter about Durham TodayTruth and Freedom Videos
2 years ago5/18/22 Nancy Drew in DC-Video 2 -Kosovo at World Trade Center AreaTruth and Freedom Videos