1. First Look At an UNRELEASED Version of a Self-Driving TESLA

    First Look At an UNRELEASED Version of a Self-Driving TESLA

  2. Cool People & Cooler Cars: Electrifying The Masses!

    Cool People & Cooler Cars: Electrifying The Masses!

  3. Is Tesla's Auto Pilot Safe?

    Is Tesla's Auto Pilot Safe?

  4. How Many Years to Full Self Driving!?

    How Many Years to Full Self Driving!?

  5. No Free Supercharging!

    No Free Supercharging!

  6. Best Way to Wash a Tesla!

    Best Way to Wash a Tesla!

  7. Tesla Ruins Everything!

    Tesla Ruins Everything!

  8. Guess Where We're Headed? A Tesla Teaser!

    Guess Where We're Headed? A Tesla Teaser!

  9. Are Tesla's Batteries Environmental Hypocrisy?

    Are Tesla's Batteries Environmental Hypocrisy?

  10. Tesla White Seats: Durable or Destroyed? 20,000 miles with kids!

    Tesla White Seats: Durable or Destroyed? 20,000 miles with kids!

  11. A Bored Elon Is a Creative Elon!

    A Bored Elon Is a Creative Elon!

  12. Tesla’s Biggest Roadblock. Your Spouse!

    Tesla’s Biggest Roadblock. Your Spouse!

  13. We Rented a Tesla On Vacation!

    We Rented a Tesla On Vacation!

  14. A Tesla Problem No One is Talking About!

    A Tesla Problem No One is Talking About!

  15. Charging From a 150 Year Old House!

    Charging From a 150 Year Old House!

  16. Tesla Charging Plugs: US vs European Charging

    Tesla Charging Plugs: US vs European Charging

  17. The New Leaf, Karma, Bolt & i8!

    The New Leaf, Karma, Bolt & i8!

  18. Tesla Powerwall 2 & Going Solar!

    Tesla Powerwall 2 & Going Solar!

  19. The TRUTH about Tesla's Supercharging

    The TRUTH about Tesla's Supercharging

  20. The Smokies In a Tesla!

    The Smokies In a Tesla!

  21. The TESLA Powered Vineyard!

    The TESLA Powered Vineyard!

  22. What Happened In 2017? THANK YOU!!!

    What Happened In 2017? THANK YOU!!!

  23. Sitting Inside Tesla's Biggest Competition Yet: Lucid Air!

    Sitting Inside Tesla's Biggest Competition Yet: Lucid Air!

  24. Don't Touch My Falcon Wing Bro!

    Don't Touch My Falcon Wing Bro!