2 years ago#1 Best TUNED Class Setup for the "Minibak" in MW2! (Best Minibak Class Setup) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years ago*MUST USE* Top 3 Assault Rifles in COD MW2 Multiplayer! (Best Guns and Class Setups)SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years agoFASTEST and ONE SHOT "SP-R 208" in MW2! (Best SPR Class Setup) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years ago#1 Best Class Setup for the "Lachmann 762" in MW2! (Best Lachmann 762 Class Setup) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years agoThe "KASTOV 74U" got NERFED in MW2 Season 1! (Best Kastov 74u Class Setup) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years ago*NEW* SEASON 1 "M4" is OVERPOWERED in MW2! (Best M4 Class Setup & Tunes) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years agoMAX DAMAGE "LACHMANN 556" is OVERPOWERED in MW2! (Best Lachmann 556 Class Setup) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years agoMUST USE "RPK" is OVERPOWERED in MW2! (Best RPK Class Setup) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years ago*TOP 10* Guns for Modern Warfare 2 SEASON 1! (Best Class Setups and Weapons) -MW2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years agoNEW "BAS-P" has NO RECOIL in MW2 Season 1! (Best Bas-P Class Setup) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years agoI found the *SECRET META* in MW2! (Best FSS Hurricane Class Setup) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD
2 years ago*NEW* NEYMAR JR OPERATOR BUNDLE in MW2! (Green Tracer Bullets) -Modern Warfare 2SaltyPlaysCOD