6 months agoLifeHouse 081124–Andy Alexander “I Am Not Ashamed” (PT31) Love, True LoveLifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
4 months agoLifeHouse 102024–Andy Alexander “A House Divided” (PT6) The Pursuit of True HappinessLifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
3 months agoJourney of faith and spiritual growth | Matthew 22:36-38 #dailybread #dailyverse #dailybibleverseHot Java and Jesus
7 months agoLifeHouse 071424–Andy Alexander "Christmas in July" (PT2) The Cowardly LionLifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
9 months agoLifeHouse 051224 - Mother's Day Special Event - Emily Alexander sermon “Beautifully Broken”LifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
8 months agoLifeHouse 070724–Andy Alexander "Christmas in July" (PT1) Unexpected GuestsLifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
5 months agoLifeHouse 090824–Andy Alexander “A House Divided” (PT1) One, For The Win!LifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
3 months agoJourney of faith and spiritual growth | Hebrews 9:14 #dailybread #dailyverse #dailybibleverseHot Java and Jesus
2 months agoJourney of faith and spiritual growth | Proverbs 1:5-7 Daily Bible VerseHot Java and Jesus
2 months agoJourney of faith and spiritual growth | Proverbs 8:13 Daily Bible VerseHot Java and Jesus
3 months agoJourney of faith and spiritual growth | Nehemiah 8:10 #dailybread #dailyverse #dailybibleverseHot Java and Jesus
3 months agoJourney of faith and spiritual growth | 2 Timothy 3:15 #dailybread #dailyverse #dailybibleverseHot Java and Jesus
3 months agoJourney of faith and spiritual growth | Exodus 35:2 #dailybread #dailyverse #dailybibleverseHot Java and Jesus