2 years agoComposing Tips for Beginning/Intermediate Classical Guitarist: Embellishing Arpeggios Part 2CrumblyCake
1 year agoComposing for the Classical Guitarist: Closed-Voiced M/m/7th and Dom Chord TriadsCrumblyCake
2 years agoComposing for the Classical Guitarist: Gluck Orphee et Euridice (Ballet) Transcription 2CrumblyCake
2 years agoComposing Tips for Beginning/Intermediate Classical Guitarist: Minor 7 Flat 5 7th ArpeggiosCrumblyCake
2 years agoComposing for the Classical Guitarist: Claude Debussy Sarabande Melody, Rhythm TextureCrumblyCake
2 years agoComposing for the Classical Guitarist: Claude Debussy, Sarabande Pentatonic ScaleCrumblyCake
2 years agoComposing for the Classical Guitarist: J S Bach BWV106 Cantata Actus Tragicus: SonatinaCrumblyCake
2 years agoComposing for the Classical Guitarist: Claude Debussy, Sarabande The Plagal EffectCrumblyCake
1 year agoComposing for the Classical Guitarist: J S Bach Chaconne Practice Tips/Technical ConsiderationsCrumblyCake
2 years agoComposing for the Classical Guitarist: BWV106 Cantata "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit" Part 1CrumblyCake
3 years agoComposing for Classical Guitar Daily Tips: Chord Progression Through the Individual VoiceCrumblyCake