ENOCH | How Did ENOCH Walk With GOD? | From Genesis to Revelation | How Does God Say It Began & Will End? READ: Hebrews Chapter 11 + Is Death the Vehicle That Transports You Into the Arms of the Lord? READ: Philipians 1:21
General Flynn | Has Ukraine’s Bombing Of Russia Lit The Fuse Triggering WWIII? + “The Ratio of Humanoid Robots Will Be More Than 1 to 1. There Might Be 10 for Every 1 Human." - Elon Musk (11/17/2024)
CERN | What Is CERN Working On? Why Is CERN Located In Geneva, Switzerland Where Satans Dwells (Revelation 9:11 & Revelation 2:13)? + READ THIS: https://cds.cern.ch/record/1243052/files/PRESSCUT-V-2010-10856.txt