Yuval Noah Harari | Where Did Yuval Noah Harari Come From? Why Is He Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates? "If Millions of People Stop Believing In the Dollar It Loses All of Its Value."
Elon Musk & Grimes | "Tesla Will Have Sort of a ChatGPT Moment. Suddenly 3 Million Cars Will Be Able to Drive Themselves With No One." - Elon Musk "Artificial Intelligence Is the Fastest Path to Communism." - Grimes
Clay Clark | “The Models That Said 2.2 Million Would Die, Those Are False. Even If They Were Real They Have No Consitution Base To Shut Down Our Country.” - Clay Clark
Artificial Intelligence | "Medical Nanorobots, Little Robots That Are the Sized of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - Ray Kurzweil + "Adding to the Body a Second Immune System, Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nanorobots.&