Maui Fires | "To Stop These Disasters from Getting Even Worse We Have to Cut the Carbon Pollution That Is Driving the Climate Crisis And That Is What the Inflation Reduction Act Is All About." - John Podesta (Senior Advisor to Biden / Harris Adm
Hip Hop | Was Hip Hop A Sci-Hop? John Homeston, A Retired CIA Agent, Has Admitted On National Russian Television (NTV) That Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op? Is There a Satanic Agenda Behind the Music Industry?
The Federal Reserve | “The Biggest Scam They Have Is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Is Not Owned By the American People, It Is Owned By 24 Prime Brokers, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs & Morgan Stanley. How Does That Work? ” - Steve Bannon
Bail-Ins | Research the Keywords "Dodd-Frank Act Bail-Ins" | Did Financial Reforms Under Dodd-Frank Act Eliminated Bailouts And Open the Door for Bail-Ins?