ALEX JONES & TUCKER CARLSON | Mark of the Beast, Yuval Noah Harari, Election Flu, Woke Bible, Saudi Arabia 2030, The Line (City of the Future) - Clay Clark
Yuval Noah Harari | Speaking at "The Brave New World Conference" | "I Met My Husband Online On the Internet." + We Need to Invest 2% to Stop Climate Change + The Ability to Genetically Engineer Human Babies
Silicon Valley Bank | "Self-Described Financial Experts In the Media Were Busy Promoting Silicon Valley Bank As a Great Investment." - Tucker Carlson + "The Nature of Money Is Going to CHANGE Quite DRAMATICALLY." - Yuval Noah Harari
Maui Fires | "To Stop These Disasters from Getting Even Worse We Have to Cut the Carbon Pollution That Is Driving the Climate Crisis And That Is What the Inflation Reduction Act Is All About." - John Podesta (Senior Advisor to Biden / Harris Adm