2 years ago"Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion." -Michael JordanAymanSayedAly
2 years agoMost companies have this type of employee. I work but don't get my hands dirty.AymanSayedAly
2 years agoIt can be tough to keep up with all the new languages and tools that come out every year.AymanSayedAly
3 years agoHere's Yann LeCun in 1993 demonstrating LeNet-1..#neuralnetworks #machinelearning #datascience #aiAymanSayedAly
3 years ago#221: Anécdotas de entrevistas de trabajo - Unlimited SpanishUnlimited Spanish podcast with Oscar
3 years agoUsing only Lacoste logos to create artwork of René Lacoste. Art by Deniz SağdıçAymanSayedAly
3 years agoKeep rocking and..."Let your actions do your talking for you".[Dwayne Johnson]AymanSayedAly
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2 years agoAirbnb lit up Android phones around the globe with a notification that reads: “Test dev.”AymanSayedAly
1 year agoMensaje de Maria Corina Machado a pocas horas de Elección Primaria 2023Portal Descentralizado de Noticias
1 year ago🔥Te perderás Si saltas 💕Mensaje de Dios para ti hoy💕Mensaje de Dios hoy💕Momento en Cristo - Poderosos Salmos y Oraciones