Elon Musk | "Anything That Is A Function of Signals In or Out. If That Is the Nature of the Problem It Can Be Fixed With a Neuralink Device." + "Neuralink Just Got FDA Breakthrough Designation for Blind Site." - 10/28/24
Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce 10 Universal Commandments | "A World with Completely Different Laws," & "We Will Rebuild the Temple"
Mark of the Beast | "How Is the Mark of the Beast Described In the Bible?" - Joe Rogan | What's the Connection Between Yuval Noah Harari, Nimrod, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh Project, Rev 16: 12-14 & Gen 10 & 11 & Daniel 7?
Elon Musk | "Robotic Taxis Makes Tesla About a $5 Trillion Company. The Optimus Robot Makes Tesla a $25 Trillion Company. It's Does Become Kind of Post Capitalist. It Will Be A Case of Universal High Income." - 10/29/2024
Elon Musk | "Robotic Taxis Makes Tesla About a $5 Trillion Company. The Optimus Robot Makes Tesla a $25 Trillion Company. It Does Become Kind of Post Capitalist. It Will Be A Case of Universal High Income." - 10/29/2024
Peter Navarro | "It Was My Faith That Sustained Me. Just Before I Went In a Very Good Friend of Mine (Clay Clark) Said Blessed Are the Persecuted for Righteousness for They Shall Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 5:10
REVERSE DAVOS | Doctor Stella Immanuel | The Revelation Conversation!!! Are We Witnessing the Opening of the Six Seals Referenced In the Book of Revelation?
Yuval Noah Harari | "If You Compare the U.S. Constitution & The 10 Commandments In The Bible, Both Texts Originally Endorsed Slavery, Said That Slavery Is OK. Now the 10 Commandments In the Bible Also Endorse Slavery."
Elon Musk | "There Is 8 Billion People In the World. At Least a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery. You Sit In Chair & 600 Seconds Later You Have An Implant. " 10/28/24
BRICS | BRICS Summit 2024 | BRICS PAY | "The Days of the U.S. Financial Dominance May Be Numbered." - Clayton Morris (10/6/2024) + "The Russians Said It's (New BRICS Currency) Going to Be Gold Backed." - Steve Bannon
Richard Werner | “The Goal Is to Introduce the New Central Bank Digital Currencies. It Is the Ultimate Power Grab By the Central Planners to Control the Monetary System In a Centralized Fashion.” - (10/4/23)