1. Do you Believe the church replaced Israel and the Jewish covenant blessings of the Old Testament or

    Do you Believe the church replaced Israel and the Jewish covenant blessings of the Old Testament or

  2. Does the Franchise Tax Board fall under the FDCPA as a Debt Collector

    Does the Franchise Tax Board fall under the FDCPA as a Debt Collector

  3. Do you need to be current with the IRS filings to be a state of the Union Citizen

    Do you need to be current with the IRS filings to be a state of the Union Citizen

  4. How long should I hold Crypto? Kelby explains Crypto for the layman...

    How long should I hold Crypto? Kelby explains Crypto for the layman...

  5. Does we help people that are VIP members with the ability to open up foreign accounts for Crypto?

    Does we help people that are VIP members with the ability to open up foreign accounts for Crypto?

  6. If you are holding the BC in your possession are you the liable party

    If you are holding the BC in your possession are you the liable party
