Michelle (Miki) Klann speaks at an Arizona senate committee hearing in support of a bill that would hold employers liable for vaccine injuries due to vaccine mandates.
Serving Rexal Pharmacy - St. Paul's Ave. Brantford Ontario, Canada - Proof We Are In A Pandemic Of The "Vaccinated" - They Are On NOTICE! #TheMediaIsTheVIRUS
Powerful speech from Ottawa today by Tamara Lich (I believe) that brought me to tears. You are not alone. End the mandates. End The Lies. End The Fear. #freedomconvoy2022 #ottawa #freedom #canada
Finance Minister Pierre Poiliervre Dismantled C.B.C. Anti Truckers Conboy Narrative - While Supporting Law Abiding Freedom Loving Hard Working Truckers Convoy For Freedom #BearHUG - #TrudeauMustGO #O'toolMustGO
Truckers For Freedom Convoy - Is The U.S.A. 🇺🇸 Side Now Also Comming On Board? -LEST GET IT! #NoVaxxPass #NoMandates EVER! - Please Show Them Your Support People ❤