COVID Shots | What Can You Do If You've Already Taken the COVID Shots? Is That Calamari Or a COVID Shot Clot? What Is the Internet of Bodies? "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + Homoborgenesis?
Silicon Valley Bank | "Self-Described Financial Experts In the Media Were Busy Promoting Silicon Valley Bank As a Great Investment." - Tucker Carlson + "The Nature of Money Is Going to CHANGE Quite DRAMATICALLY." - Yuval Noah Harari
Lou Dobbs | Lou Dobbs (1945-2024) | Rest In Peace to the Great Lou Dobbs! | You Will Be Missed!!! | This Was the Fox News Segment That Many Believe Got Lou Dobbs Fired
General Flynn | Will the Epstein List Ever Get Exposed? As of Jan 1st 2024, BRICS Has Doubled In Size?! "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is the Federal Reserve? How Did Epstein Compromise People?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Now We See the Creation of a New Massive Class of Useless People. What Do We Need So Many Humans For? The Best Guess Is Keep Them Happy With Drugs & Computer Games." - July 24th 2015