"Those Who Have a Problem with Me Being on with Alex Jones Can Kiss My Brown Ass!” | Silk of ‘Diamond & Silk’ Shares IMPORTANT Vaccine Facts, and the Latest on Trump's Upcoming Arrest! (3/21/23)
The White Hats AND The Black Hats Are NOBODY without We The People—You Give Them Permission to All! + What Really is A.I. (3/10/23) | Lewis Herms Interviews Kerry Cassidy 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
JAN 6th: Night #2 with Tucker (Version Covered Live by Alex Jones) — OVER ALL EVENT A TOTAL DISAPPOINTMENT | "Forget it.. the Illuminati Took Control!" "I'm a Gauge for Earth-Human Conscious." (Harsh WE in 5D Commentary)
“Money is Really Just Energy” (LOA Talk) | The Roseanne Talk Show: Donald Trump, and Michael Moore [Together!] + Virginia Graham (1998) — Donald Enters at 11:30
Quickie Version on the Bible Being a Work of Plagiarism: The Bible is a “Remix”—Here are the Details! (Explained by Billy Carson) [Esoteric Minds Only]
MANIFESTING NEW EARTH FROM HERE ON: The Banking $ystem Collapse, The Annunaki, What/How to Invest, Your Community/Tribe, and More! — Ralph Smart, “Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)”.
My Statement on TRUMP’S UPCOMING ARREST (During This New Moon, No Less) + Collective New Moon Reading: This Unexpected Event Changes Everything! The Missing Puzzle Peace Clicks, and Inner-Standing Hits. The Way Out was Through all Along!
YOU CAN ACCUMULATE [JUST AS MUCH] NEGATIVE KARMA FROM OVER-GIVING TRUST AND GRACE AS YOU CAN NOT BEING HUMBLE: Never Give Too Much Grace to People—More People Have This Problem Than They Themselves Realize! | Foul Mouthed Spiritualist
Higher Dimensional Sexuality/Sensuality + The Physical Nature of Gender, and an Ending Meditation. | Very Sophisticated Information Likely Extremely Uncomfortable for Most! — Matías De Stefano
Like a Twin Flame Obsession. Even the Most Powerful Vixen Was a Chaser Struggling to Move on ..and Sometimes so is the Runner! She Believes She Was Spanish in Another Life, Explaining These Ongoing Bullfighting Themes. “You’ll See” by Madonna.
Alex Jones' Emergency 2/4/23 Broadcast! The U.S. is Actually at War with China —OR— The Illuminati at War with China. Because WE, The U.S., are The Illuminati (“The Swamp”).. + Kanye West Explained!
When the Wrong Group Does the EBS, But There’s Still Opportunity to Love. NOTE: This Could Very Well Be Predictive Programming, Post-Corrupt Soul—WATCH OBJECTIVELY if You Choose to! “Ghosttown” by Madonna + Live Version at the 2015 iHeart Awards.
SAGITTARIUS ♐️ May 2023 Forecast — You Really Worked Hard to Get to This Point! CONGRATULATIONS!!! The Only Thing Missing is Love… (Well, Whatta Ya Know.. "Hearts and Rainbows" fah You, Sadge!)
“Falling” in Love—What This Really is! It is Not of Heart 💚 Chakra, But Rather the Attachment-Oriented Solar 🟡 Plexus Chakra. Video Includes an Ending Meditation — Matías De Stefano