( -0813 ) How Will the Re-Election of Trump Effect Those Who's Freedoms Have Already Been Threatened? (Also, Matt Gaetz Attacked - What He Said Re Hollywood & It's Handlers)
Satanic Agenda & Hollywood | Could There Be a Connection Between the Two? | “We Have Worked Really Closely with Hollywood On This." - Sarah Kate Ellis CEO of GLAAD (Pro-LGBT Media Monitoring Group) | "We Are Ready to Worship." - CBS
Baphomet | What Is Baphomet? "Hollywood Is Not Really There to Entertain You. It's About Us Following the Ritual Work. Baphomet the Transgender, I Knew In the Ritual of Baphomet...You Had to Kiss His ________." - Kat Williams
Sold Their Soul to Satan | Did These 10 Celebrities & Music Artists Sell Their Soul to Satan? Discover the TRUTH About Beyonce, Billie Eilish, Demi Lovato, Ellie Goulding, Katy Perry, Lil Nas X, Prince, Etc. Why Was Hollywood Created?
Hollywood | "They Are Always In This Wild-Ass Cult of Weirdness. These People Are Always Going On Auditions. They Are Always Like Please Choose Me! Please Choose Me! Everyone Is Losing Their Minds & Everyone Is In Therapy." - Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan & Tucker Carlson Interview Highlights: "About Five Years In Then It (The Podcast) Started Making Money," Artificial Intelligence, Amish Happiness, the Cause of Autism, Alex Jones, Hollywood, Mike Pompeo & Speaker Johnson
Lucifer | Was Lucifer Actually In Control of Music In Heaven? Ezekiel 28-13 Is the Music Industry Satanically Inspired? + What Is the REAL Agenda Behind Hollywood? Where Did the Word "Hollywood" Come From? + Matthew 16-26