1 year agoCancer 💖If you are thinking will they choose you over the other person? The answer is YES!Scorpio Moon Intuition
1 year agoTaurus May 2023 ♉What you need to know: You may need to consider leaving someone for your Twin FlameScorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoPisces♓ They feel this DEEP SOUL love between you! A spiritual awakening moment happens!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoVirgo♍They are sorry they lied to you! They secretly miss you & too proud to admit it. November 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoCancer♋ Get ready for LOVE! A TRUE LOVE RETURNS for a GENUINE PARTNERSHIP that leads to MARRIAGE!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoAries ♈ They love you! You know they hide their feelings! 😔 Timeless Love ReadingScorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoScorpio♏ A PAST LOVE will return. They are HEALING NOW but thinking of YOU! Still in love with you!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoCapricorn♑ When your past lover returns...BUT are they done with their EX? | OCTOBER 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoCapricorn♑ They are afraid to contact you & think you don't want to be with them anymore😔Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years ago🔥Twin Flame Reading🔥DMs learning how to be PATIENT. Still dealing with the KARMIC. Re-Union is near!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoScorpio♏ Remain positive! Your TWIN FLAME will RETURN! But you need to know something...Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoLibra💖 Your love needs to heal. No matter how hard you try, act as if all is well...& it will be!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoCANCER ♋The CHEMISTRY is like no other! But, why haven't they called? Past love is STILL the ISSUE.Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoSCORPIO♏ They miss you like CRAZY...BUT, do you want them back? Compromise will surprise you!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoScorpio♏ They are getting a DIVORCE! Relationship in 2 months! The karmic made them block you!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoLeo♌ This person feels insecure. Attracted to you but don't feel like they meet your standards 😥Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoAries♈ You have FREEWILL to wait on your love. Stuck on family. You're going to need PATIENCE.Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoAquarius♒ I never stopped loving you. Letting the 3rd party go, doing it right to be with you!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years ago🔥Twin Flame Reading🔥DM asks DF, "How was your day?"...and then MAGIC HAPPENS! REUNIONScorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoCancer💖 A past love returns! Willing to take a leap of faith, but just know they are in TRANSIT.Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoSagittarius💖 Dealing with a grumpy lover? Give them a choice, work it out, or go out, have some fun!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoScorpio♏ A love has a hard time opening up to you but soon they will! June 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoGemini💖 The KARMIC is NOT the issue, they are HEALING and need TIME. It's up to you!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoCapricorn♑ Your past love misses you & no longer afraid, BUT there is something you need to know!🔮Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoPisces♓ Your love may contact you! Intimacy deepens with a talk📲September Love 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition