Jim Jordan Sits with Breanna Morello; House's Vote on FISA - Steve Friend and Garret O'Boyle; CIA Officer Caught - Arden Young; TSA Lawsuit - Sonya LaBosco | The Breanna Morello Show
8/13/24 Smartmatic President arrested, CIA coups, Brazil Plane crash doctors were going to expose vaccine, Demonic Closing ceremony broken down…Real JFK killer !
Judy Byington. Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Situation Update Dec 7 ~ CIA/NATO Coups, Globalists Bioweapons, Jon Benet, Notre-Dame - Benjamin Fulford. Pascal Najadi
HORROR: Prof Dr Gentry CIA Senior Analyst explains how DEI Policies Destroyed US Gov Agencies, Especially Intel. It started in 1964, accelerated in 2009 during Obama reign.