Jack Russell snatches fish from water!
AnthonyCMonkey Preciously Harbors Newly Rescued Kitten
MisfitlandStunningly beautiful crab cleans the beach in the Galapagos Islands
WildCreaturesPlayful baboon performs acrobatic dive into the water
EmotionsofAfricaChristmas light show puts dark twist on a cheery song
ZingsC7Wild aquatic bird shares incredible friendship with boy
WildCreaturesThese Christmas lights dance to the tune of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra
ZingsC7Guitar-playing goat plays flawless 'Jingle Bells' cover
theinternetlovesgoatsResearchers get much closer than expected with hungry sharks in Papua New Guinea
WildCreaturesStreet band puts on incredible perfomance in Cologne, Germany
csehvideoMini Piglet Enters A State Of Nirvana After Constantly Receiving Belly Rubs
coupleberryfarmsFoot long venomous fireworm found at the beach
WildCreaturesHumpback Rock Hike Appalachian Mountain! Amazing View! 757Holloway
757HollowayHammerhead shark closely investigates scuba diver as it swims near
WildCreaturesAmazing bartender shows off his mind-blowing skills
E_VeloScuba diver witnesses large devil ray migration right above him
GalapagosGuysGuy Catches Giant Sailfish In Palm Beach While Riding Kayak
kayakphishSea lions swarm diver in Mexico
cdngreenwaterdiverJuggling otter bounces stone off glass
SloggerVloggerCurious Baby Seal Gets A Free Ride On Kayak
Lainez11This beautiful waterfall is tucked away in a gorgeous forest
WildCreaturesStingray takes shelter among divers surrounded by hammerhead sharks
GalapagosGuysFunny otter fascinated by stones
SloggerVloggerBrave Little Girl Pulls A Loose Tooth With Remote-Controlled Truck