1. Maryvale High School to install vaping detection sensors throughout the school

    Maryvale High School to install vaping detection sensors throughout the school

  2. Martin County school officials warning about vaping

    Martin County school officials warning about vaping

  3. Colorado schools combatting in-school vaping with new detection devices

    Colorado schools combatting in-school vaping with new detection devices

  4. high school students are seeking state funding to create an anti-vaping documentary

    high school students are seeking state funding to create an anti-vaping documentary

  5. School District of Palm Beach County will sue Juul Labs, Inc. to combat youth vaping

    School District of Palm Beach County will sue Juul Labs, Inc. to combat youth vaping

  6. Martin County school officials warning about vaping

    Martin County school officials warning about vaping

  7. Jupiter High School changes bathroom policy due to vaping, principal says

    Jupiter High School changes bathroom policy due to vaping, principal says

  8. Anti-vaping presentation at Garces Memorial High School

    Anti-vaping presentation at Garces Memorial High School

  9. Jupiter High School changes bathroom policy due to vaping, principal says

    Jupiter High School changes bathroom policy due to vaping, principal says

  10. New device detects student vaping in school

    New device detects student vaping in school

  11. Elementary school highlights the importance of dads with a morning walk to school

    Elementary school highlights the importance of dads with a morning walk to school

  12. High school students speaking out on the dangers of vaping

    High school students speaking out on the dangers of vaping

  13. SDUHSD pilots program to put sensors in bathrooms to detect vaping

    SDUHSD pilots program to put sensors in bathrooms to detect vaping

  14. Indian River County high school aims to eliminate student vaping

    Indian River County high school aims to eliminate student vaping

  15. Bixby students talk about school tackling vaping

    Bixby students talk about school tackling vaping

  16. Lee County School District host vaping and tobacco seminar

    Lee County School District host vaping and tobacco seminar

  17. Indian River County School Board passes a resolution to target growing vaping concerns

    Indian River County School Board passes a resolution to target growing vaping concerns

  18. Vaping concerns once kids return to classrooms, school campaigns encourage kids to avoid smoking

    Vaping concerns once kids return to classrooms, school campaigns encourage kids to avoid smoking

  19. Blue Valley School District says vaping is 'epidemic' in classrooms

    Blue Valley School District says vaping is 'epidemic' in classrooms

  20. Bartlesville school staff explains vaping policies to parents

    Bartlesville school staff explains vaping policies to parents
