In Mark Carneys book he says that he does not like capitalism and wants to take everything you own. He also wants to take your rights away to have kids. This sounds like a book right from Adolph Hitler. In what Carnet calls a Great Reset
Meanwhile in Abbotsford BC Canada. EPIC! Watch to the end!!! My heart is filled with joy tonight!!! ♥️ Now every parent needs to take a page out of this book… no more SOGI …no more 🤡🌎… congratulations to all these amazing parents… I love
Alex Jones | "Alex Jones, Tucker, General Flynn, Trump, Joe Rogan...The God-Less Globalists Did Not Plan On You Showing Up. Whether People Believe In the Book of Revelation Or Not, They Do & They Are Building the Mark of the Beast System."
AL TECHNOLOGY & SHOPLIFTING, SHOP FAST, EXIT FASTER: RFID CHIP MARK OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL THINGS...”to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:” 🕎Luke 20:25 “Render therefore unto Caesar”