#100 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Sound Of Freedom - Child Sex Trafficking + Organ & Blood Harvesting - The U.S. Is The #1 Customer - WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW THAT YOU KNOW? Sound Of Freedom Movie
SEAL BRITISH SOUL SINGER & HIS CHILDREN : YOUR AN ISRAELITE BASED ON YOUR FATHER NOT YOUR MOTHER, THE WHEAT & TARES….”I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star”🕎Numbers 1:18 “declared their pedigrees”
SEAL BRITISH SOUL SINGER & HIS CHILDREN : YOUR AN ISRAELITE BASED ON YOUR FATHER NOT YOUR MOTHER.…“Concerning his Son Yahawashi our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh”🕎Numbers 1:18 “declared their pedigrees”
#103 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: AZ Politicians Do NOTHING To Stop Child Sex Slave Trafficking! Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections, Wide Open Borders, Demonic CPS - THEY ARE AS GUILTY AS THE ABUSERS - THIS IS ON THEIR HANDS!
#106 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: The LegislaTURDS Are The PROBLEM Because They Are IGNORING The Corruption & Election Fraud - WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE SOLUTION & THE WHITE HATS - But YOU Must Do Your Part!