CRISPR | Jennifer Doudna | Why Is Jennifer Doudna Stating At the World Economic Forum, "Imagine That We Had a Tool Where We Could Fix Mutations In Actual DNA, a Text Editor for DNA and Cells?"
CBDCs | "A Microchip Population In Which We Are Microchipped with Our Financial Details Our Medical Details. We've Got to Stop Beating About the Bush, Oh My Goodness, How Will They React?!" - David Icke
CRISPR | How Does CRISPR Work? How Does CRISPR Work? CRISPR 101 featuring: Elon Musk, Jennifer Doudna, Bill Gates, Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCullough
Brave New World | Brave New World | What Is the Connection Between "Brave New World," "Black Mirror," Transhumanism, the World Economic Forum and "The Great Reset?"
Yuval Noah Harari | The Great Reset EXPLAINED | "Direct Brain-Computer Interfaces, Adding a Second Inorganic Immune System Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nano Robots."