2 years ago1009 Woodley Road Walkthrough with Michelle Geskey | Platinum MVP Team KWConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
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2 years agoJustin Kelly CPF Mortgage cpfloans.com Find out how Justin can get you into home ownershipConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoJustin Kelly explains how CPF Mortgage began and why it means so much to JustinConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoDiane Vance - Fairway Independent Mortgage - dianevance.com - Diane can find the best option for youConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoThe AC Guy of Tampa Bay, acguyoftampa.com Gregg says that install is more critical than brand nameConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoNathan Ginter Chief Technology Officer Vine IT - Are your files at risk? Get trusted backup methodConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoJohn Long USIAHT - Find out what is going on and how to get involved, help stop trafficking!Consumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoNathan Ginter Chief Technology Officer Vine IT - make sure to use LinkedIn for business to businessConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoInsured Title Agency Jennie Restrepo offers tips for real estate transactions, dont get burned !Consumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoMichael Watkins Principal Tampa Bay Advisory - Get a professional to double check your portfolioConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoMilly Athanason athanasonlaw.com Do you have to call the police if you're in a traffic accident?Consumer Quarterback ShowVerified
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2 years agoDegrees of Success Dr. Genevieve Dobson introduces her business, how she can help you resolve debtConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoWill Smith Ditches to Riches When you get Will's book, get the workbook also, build a release planConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoUnited States Institute Against Human Trafficking John Long usiaht.org How can you get involvedConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoNick Schriver Decorating Elves - You work outside, are you and your crew following HEAT protocols?Consumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoVine IT Nathan Ginter Do business with companies who handle their own support, not outsourcedConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoInsured Title Agency Jennie Restrepo Did you take the necessary steps to insure safe wire transfer?Consumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agorubinslaw.com The Law Offices of KV Rubin - Karmika explains how divorce impacts businessConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoRay Hall Appraisals - Don't use cash buys as comps, most cash buyers overpay, not actual valuesConsumer Quarterback ShowVerified
2 years agoBrandon Faust Mold Solutions USA - Brandon was surprised by his mold toxin test results, you safe?Consumer Quarterback ShowVerified