1. Reasons WHY Its Important for a WOMAN NOT TO CUSS

    Reasons WHY Its Important for a WOMAN NOT TO CUSS

  2. She says ONE thing BUT WANTS another...Men ARE NOT MIND READERS!

    She says ONE thing BUT WANTS another...Men ARE NOT MIND READERS!

  3. MEN have to be PERFECT so WOMEN don't leave them! Unreal!

    MEN have to be PERFECT so WOMEN don't leave them! Unreal!

  4. Aggressive WOMAN blames the MEN for her HORRIBLE attitude

    Aggressive WOMAN blames the MEN for her HORRIBLE attitude

  5. She asks "After I give a MAN a CHANCE, Why does he LEAVE?"

    She asks "After I give a MAN a CHANCE, Why does he LEAVE?"

  6. She says "I am the PRIZE, you wanted ME. I didn't want you"

    She says "I am the PRIZE, you wanted ME. I didn't want you"
