RECORDED LIVE 11/18/17 Launch of Delta II Rocket. NASA fraud to hide FLAT EARTH
Flat Earth Clock app
NASA Hoax? How'd The Apollo 11 Crew Miss THIS!? | "Flat Earther" David Weiss [Jul 13, 2022]
DITRH Interviews
Flat Earth - International space station HOAX Nasa use Parabolic flights to simulate zero Gravity
Flat Earth Clock app
NASA is a shady bunch of characters - The Launch Pad Podcast with Jason Petrunik [Jul 18, 2022]
DITRH Interviews
[Cody's Conspiracies] Dave Weiss Destroys Nasa!! [Oct 14, 2021]
DITRH Interviews
CLIP: Flat Earth Dave on NASA, The Challenger Launch & Green Screens! [Mar 25, 2022]
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[Fausto Laporte] David Weiss and tricks with NASA shirt guy [May 22, 2021]
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NASA says you can live on a ball - The Patriot Party News Live -With Chas Carter [Sep 27, 2021]
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Dwayne The Rock Johnson just CONDEMNED Democrats' violent rhetoric against Trump
Knowledge Revolution
[APMA Podcast] NASA EXPOSED - Not A Space Agency?! [Feb 24, 2021]
DITRH Interviews