2 years agoA Roadblock to Dehumanization: Dr. Zelenko Weighs in on the Federal Mask Mandate RulingZ-DTOX & Z-Stack Protocol, From Vladimir Zelenko MDVerified
2 years agoMask Lies: Fauci Told You to Wear TWO Masks While Bill Gates and Obama Inhaled Fresh AirRVM NewsVerified
3 years agoPelosi Bizarrely Sniffs Her Mask, Snaps At Reporter Questioning Her Abusing Capitol Police PowersRVM NewsVerified
3 years agoDr. Aaron Kheriarty explains why doctors are hesitant to write mask and/or vax medical exemptions.nonvaxer420
1 year agoDerek Johnson explains how Biden got a military funeral service not a military inauguration serviceRubyRayMedia
3 years agoFed Up & Foul Mouthed Little Old Lady Stops Shoplifter In His Tracks, Rips His Ski Mask Off His HeadRVM NewsVerified
3 years agoSchool Board Member Has Mask Meltdown, Goes On Expletive Laced Temper Tantrum Over Medical ExemptionRVM NewsVerified
3 years agoDad Goes Viral For Heartbreaking Mask Speech, Education Board President's Response Will Disgust YouRVM NewsVerified
2 years ago'i ToOk It oFf tO SpeAK & I'm bOoSTed' - Paterson, NJ Official Unmasked As He Announced Mask MandateRVM NewsVerified
3 years agoHere's Why Masks Don't Work! Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle performs a simple experimentBiological Medicine
10 months agoDental Anesthetics From South Africa - Advanced Structures Self-Assemble Bio-Metalic StructuresShort scientific videosVerified
10 months agoSynthetic Biology With Disco John Coloron - EXCLUSIVE Bonus Footage - A Different MicrobubbleHetNet - Computing HumansVerified
10 months agoDental Anesthetics From South Africa - Advanced Structures Self-Assemble Bio-Metalic StructuresFanaticVoyageVerified
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10 months agoJapanese Press Conference Exposing Deadly Vaccine Cover-Up - A Victim Speaks OutFanaticVoyageVerified
2 years agoFlorida Surgeon General Wrecks Mask Narrative: “These Things Are Not Saving Lives”RVM NewsVerified
2 years agoJoe Varon on Luc Montagnier's last discovery - covid and HIV share the same RNA sequencecanadamax
2 years ago"It Isn't Over Yet" - Continue to Get Vaccinated, Boosted, and Wear Your MaskRVM NewsVerified
2 years agoCanadian Medical Officer Hasn't Abused Kids Enough, So He Just Announced New Mask RecommendationRVM NewsVerified