1. You Have to fight them Because they are Jews and Christians! Welcome to Real Islam and good luck!

    You Have to fight them Because they are Jews and Christians! Welcome to Real Islam and good luck!

  2. Waaay before Islam or the invention of "Palestinians" - We were there! Over 3,000 years Still there!

    Waaay before Islam or the invention of "Palestinians" - We were there! Over 3,000 years Still there!

  3. Islam is a religion of Peace? No it isn't. Never was!Islam is never a choice! It is forced on people

    Islam is a religion of Peace? No it isn't. Never was!Islam is never a choice! It is forced on people

  4. Youth all over Europe are being converted to Islam. Are you ready for your Amerikid's conversions?

    Youth all over Europe are being converted to Islam. Are you ready for your Amerikid's conversions?

  5. Mosab Hasan Yosef, son of Hamas co-founder: Islam is a mental illness & the muslims are mentally ill

    Mosab Hasan Yosef, son of Hamas co-founder: Islam is a mental illness & the muslims are mentally ill

  6. The United (against Israel) Nations get caught in more lilies, bias and Antisemitism!

    The United (against Israel) Nations get caught in more lilies, bias and Antisemitism!

  7. So help you God when the demented Islam and Sharia Law takes over your communities

    So help you God when the demented Islam and Sharia Law takes over your communities

  8. Bridget Gabriel - 2 Things you need to understand about the principles of war in Islam

    Bridget Gabriel - 2 Things you need to understand about the principles of war in Islam

  9. About Antisemitism, Antizionizm, Colonialism and more - Learn something

    About Antisemitism, Antizionizm, Colonialism and more - Learn something

  10. If Islam is so Fantastic, why do Muslims always flee to Christian countries?

    If Islam is so Fantastic, why do Muslims always flee to Christian countries?

  11. The Double Standard of Antisemitism / Antizionizm

    The Double Standard of Antisemitism / Antizionizm

  12. Even this guy doesn't realize that there's no difference between Antisemitism and AntiZionism

    Even this guy doesn't realize that there's no difference between Antisemitism and AntiZionism

  13. Antisemitism changes with times, or does it? Doesn't really matter as long as you blame the Jews!

    Antisemitism changes with times, or does it? Doesn't really matter as long as you blame the Jews!

  14. Iranians had enough. Starting to call NO to Islam!

    Iranians had enough. Starting to call NO to Islam!

  15. UK Christian youth being converted to Islam. You think it's not happening in the US? Think again!

    UK Christian youth being converted to Islam. You think it's not happening in the US? Think again!

  16. What is Antisemitism? It is at most college campuses and they're doing nothing!

    What is Antisemitism? It is at most college campuses and they're doing nothing!

  17. 1935 to 2024 - Not much have changed. Same Antisemitism, different name and faces...

    1935 to 2024 - Not much have changed. Same Antisemitism, different name and faces...

  18. Islam - What good have you done for the world lately?

    Islam - What good have you done for the world lately?

  19. Learn something - The two types of land Islam divide the world to

    Learn something - The two types of land Islam divide the world to

  20. Who I the Colonizer in Israel? Who was there first? Way before Islam even existed!

    Who I the Colonizer in Israel? Who was there first? Way before Islam even existed!

  21. They are starting to wake up in Germany - Islam, Democracy and Freedom DO NOT go together!

    They are starting to wake up in Germany - Islam, Democracy and Freedom DO NOT go together!
