2 years agoSederet Peristiwa Invasi Hari ke-255, Ini Cara Rusia Lindungi Daerah Caplokan saat Diserangpaulasmolkaly1s
2 years agoKorut Endus Gelagat AS yang Jor-joran Pasok Tank ke Ukraina, Perang Proksi Dimulai Hancurkan RusiaYanwar
2 years agoThe moment Russians are received while seeking to take position - Invaders are cleared from UkraineKempot97
2 years agoRussia's losses in Ukraine EXCEED 103,000-Latest figures announced -3016 tanks, 6024 combat vehiclesKempot97
2 years agoThousands of Russian soldiers preparing to surrender to Ukraine, among them officersKempot97
2 years ago"Dead Russians scattered on muddy road" – Invaders' armored car full of soldiers turned into ashesKempot97
2 years agoHEADQUARTERS with high-ranking Russian officers HIT – Brigade commanders DESTROYEDKempot97
2 years agoThousands of Russian soldiers preparing to surrender to Ukraine, among them officersKempot97
2 years agoWe are advancing" - fierce battle of Ukrainian and Polish fighters with Russians in BakhmutKempot97
2 years agoThe trench they crawled into did not save Russians – Shell fell right next to themKempot97