2 years agoDavos: Tony Blair kërkon që 'Infrastruktura Dixhitale Kombëtare' të monitorojë të 'vaksinuarit'.NewsPatriotikMedia
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3 years agoYoungkin: Congress-passed $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill offers 'good support' for VirginiaJust the NewsVerified
3 years agoBiden Snaps At Reporter For Asking How He's Going To Pay For Infrastructure PlanBonginoReportVerified
3 years agoNeil Cavuto Forces James Clyburn To Admit Non-Infrastructure Components In Infrastructure BillThe Daily CallerVerified
3 years agoMcConnell joins Democrats in voting to pass $1.2 trillion infrastructure billJust the NewsVerified
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13 days agoEnhancing Canal Security: U.S. Infrastructure and InvestmentsDaily Caller News FoundationVerified
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11 months agoPolska chce zbudować własną elektrownię jądrową za kredyt z USA zamiast taniej białoruskiej energiiMiędzynarodowe Radio Białoruś
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4 months ago【HU】Az amerikai mezőgazdaság külföldi ellenfelektől való védelméről szóló törvény ...GloryMifan2
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1 month agoPONOWNIE?! W Kongo wybuchła „tajemnicza choroba X” – dziesiątki zmarły, setki zostały zakażone.Plan ludobójstwa
3 years agoBiden Asked How Can He Protect Critical Infrastructure Like The PipelineDupreeNewsWireVerified