3 years ago[French Audio] Testimony of a mother against the health pass and forced inoculation with blackmailTheFrenchWalkingMan
3 years agoTestimony of a father who refuses the health pass and forced inoculationTheFrenchWalkingMan
3 years ago2021 SEP 28 Indonesia Susoh District, Southwest Aceh Regency Aceh fishermen destroy a CoV vax centerFour Corner Ministries News through a Christian Filter
3 years agoPURE CORRUPTION: Romanian MEP exposes secret agreements that Big Pharma forced governments around the world to sign.nonvaxer420
1 year agoThis Nanotech is Designed to Spread from Person to Person as part of a Forced Inoculation Scheme.D33pKn0wl3dG3
6 months ago'Covid' Vaccines Meet The Criteria Of Biological Weapons. Dr. 'Francis Boyle' & 'Maria Zee'AndreCorbeil
6 months agoDr 'Judy Mikovits' MEDICAL PATENTS "Get Rid Of Them To Fix The System" 'Dr Judy' Medical TranscriptsAndreCorbeil
3 years agoThe epic call of a man to not surrender and stay strong facing the situation against the health passTheFrenchWalkingMan
4 years ago⚠️⚠️⚠️ FORCED Inoculations Are Coming VERY Soon To The State Of O.K⛔⛔⛔@GreggHuestis67 & Thecitizenjournalist.news
2 years agoTyrant Justin Trudeau Says Using a Gun For Self Defense Is “Not a Right That You Have” In CanadaMyCatholicRedPill
3 years agoInsider claims 45,000 dead from vaccine | Attorney Thomas Renz sues Federal GovernmentMorganAdams
6 months ago'Covid' Vaccines Meet The Criteria Of Biological Weapons. Dr. 'Francis Boyle' & 'Maria Zee'Biological Medicine
3 years agoNov 25, 2019: Dr. ANTHONY FAUCI said that he wanted the chance to respond to a brand new pandemic.nonvaxer420
6 months agoDr 'Judy Mikovits' MEDICAL PATENTS "Get Rid Of Them To Fix The System" 'Dr Judy' Medical TranscriptsBiological Medicine
3 years agoMajor Life Insurance CEO Drops COVID Nuke On Remote News Conference - Unheard Of Huge, Huge Numbers -NO "JABS" NO JOBS RIGHT! THINK ABOUT IT!nonvaxer420
3 years ago🆘 Nothing to see here 👀 just a load of soldiers taking part in this medical experiment continuing to 2023. It'd be less painful and same result to just point the gun at their own heads and pull the trigger!nonvaxer420