Post Millennial's editor-at-large Andy Ngo tells Tucker Carlson that the Antifa-backed trans sex offender at the center of the WiSpa controversy was arrested after months on the run
Yuval Noah Harari | "Some of the Most Powerful People In the World Used to Be News Editors. Like Lenin Before He Was Dictator of Soviet Union, His One Job Was Editor of a Newspaper. Mussolini, He Was Editor of a Newspaper."
investigações revelaram que importantes jornais brasileiros, incluindo a Folha de São Paulo e a Editora Globo, receberam financiamento da ditadura chinesa ao longo de alguns anos.
Sigrid Maria Elisabet Rausing é uma filantropa, antropóloga e editora sueca. Ela é a fundadora do Sigrid Rausing Trust criado no Reino Unido; seu alcance é mundial.