Bill Blair denies having heard anything about the individual seen carrying a nazi flag during the Freedom Convoy not being a protestor, but instead someone sent there for photos
During an interview on The West Block with Mercedes Stephenson, Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair hinted the Trudeau government is actively considering using emergency powers to end the blockades
CBDC | "Prime Minister Narendra Modi Has Understood the Importance Of It And Your Digital ID Program Is One of the Most Important Programs Around the World." - Tony Blair (Blair Is a Member of the World Economic Forum & the Former PM of the
Vaccinated | "Two Different Classes of People If You're Vaccinated or Unvaccinated. If You Vaccinated You Have All These Rights." + "You Need to Know Who Is Vaccinated And Who Hasn't Been." - Tony Blair (World Economic Forum
CBDCs | "In the End You Need to Know Who Has Been Vaccinated and Who Hasn't Been." - Tony Blair (Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and a Member of the World Economic Forum)