The Great Reset | Klaus Schwab Says, "When You See the Book of Professor Harari Homo Deus..The New Technologies Will Change (Humans) Us. It Is the Fusion of the Physical, Biological and Digital Worlds."
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor (Yuval) Say, "We Now Have Technological Tests That Can See the Level of Your Racism or Misogyny?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Might See Another Round of Techno Religions. When Religions Will Promise Eternal Life Here On Earth with the Help of Technology."
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Celebrated by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama? "The Technology We Are Now Developing Really Elevates Us to Status of Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Chief Value of Science Is Power. Science Is Not Really About Truth, It's About Power." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg and Gates)
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Celebrated by Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, New York Times, TEDTalks, etc? "Harari Has Been Called a Superstar, a Rockstar Philosopher and the Most Influential of Our Age?"