🇧🇷 BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Truckers and farmers working together to oppose the selection of Lula the corrupt criminal. How the hell can a CONVICTED fraudster run again as a president yet alone regain office???
Finance Minister Pierre Poiliervre Dismantled C.B.C. Anti Truckers Conboy Narrative - While Supporting Law Abiding Freedom Loving Hard Working Truckers Convoy For Freedom #BearHUG - #TrudeauMustGO #O'toolMustGO
O.P.P. Active Duty Officer Throws A SHOUT-OUT To Our Hero Truckers ❤ Looks Forward To Meeting Them In Ottawa #BearHUG - #NoVaxxPass #NomandatesEVER #TrudeauMustGO
Call To Action :: Mandates End Jan 29th 📣 TRUCKERS CALLING CITIZENS TO HELP DO THEIR PART! Canadians will self-declare an end to all mandates and restrictions surrounding the covid plandemic on January 29th.
Truckers For Freedom Convoy - Is The U.S.A. 🇺🇸 Side Now Also Comming On Board? -LEST GET IT! #NoVaxxPass #NoMandates EVER! - Please Show Them Your Support People ❤