2 years agoFrance: Yellow Vests protest on fourth anniversary of movement in Paris - 19.11.2022demonstration
3 years agoEen dankbetuiging van Australië voor wie morgen op hun ambassades over de hele wereld zal zijnQueroemigrar International
1 year agoG.I. Joe: El Contraataque | Snake Eyes y Jinx localizan y capturan a Storm Shadowvideos factory
1 year agoG.I. Joe: El Contraataque | Snake Eyes y Jinx localizan y capturan a Storm ShadowThe Godfather
3 years agoUna nota di ringraziamento dall'Australia per chi sarà domani nelle sue ambasciate in tutto il mondoQueroemigrar International
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3 years agoSlovenia: Several detained in Ljubljana protest against new COVID measures - 04.12.2021demonstration
3 years agoA thank you note from Australia for who will be tomorrow at their embassies around the worldqueroemigrar
3 years agoUn agradecimiento de Australia para quienes se reúnan mañana en sus embajadas de todo el mundoQueroemigrar International
3 years agoEin Dankeschön von Australien für alle, die morgen vor ihren Botschaften in aller Welt stehen werdenQueroemigrar International
3 years agoUn mot de remerciement de l'Australie pour ceux qui seront demain devant leurs ambassadesQueroemigrar International
3 years agoUma nota de agradecimento dos Australianos para quem esteja amanhã frente ás suas embaixadas.QueroEmigrar - Porque Emigrar Não é Esquecer
3 years agoLa religione Maya POLITEISTA dell'occultura massonica giudaico greco-romana-egizia pagana satanico gnosticaMERDALIA💩LA REPUBBLICA DELLE BANANE E DEGLI IDIOTI
3 years agoUK: Hundreds of protesters gather out front of Parliament at 'Kill the Bill' rally - 08.12.2021demonstration