6 days agoWHOA!... Ukrainian News Channel Accuses Zelensky of Jailing and Murdering Opponents - Labels Him a 'Dictator'The Gateway PunditVerified
1 month agoUkrainian President Zelensky Says "I Never Accept Any Decisions Between US and Ukraine, Never!"The Gateway PunditVerified
27 days agoUkrajina neměla začínat válku a pokud chce sedět u jednacího stolu, měly by být nejprve volby!AENews
6 months agoPokud Ukrajina dostane povolení k úderům západními raketami, bude Rusko ve válce s NATO!AENews
4 days agoRussian Lancets have a problem: The Ukrainians can shoot them down while still in the airSmithOliver
10 months agoAtentátník na Roberta Fica již v dubnu vyřvával, že je kolaborant, zrádce a ať žije Ukrajina!AENews
7 days agoOnly chance for lasting peace is change in Kiev's political regime – Fmr Ukrainian PMRTVerified
1 month agoWATCH: VP Vance and Ukrainian President Zelensky Meet in Germany - 2/14/25Right Side Broadcasting NetworkVerified
1 month agoUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Says Ukraine Only Received About $75 Billion of $177 BillionJordanConradson
17 days agoDid Zelensky Curse in Ukrainian at Vance During White House Meeting?DUmmie FUnniesVerified
1 day agoUkrainian Soldiers Surrender on Kursk Front: Syrsky Calls It ‘Relocation to Advantageous Positions’MilitaryZ
4 days agoUkrainian soldiers who lay down their weapons and surrender will be guaranteed their livesRolling With You
16 hours agoUkrainian Mother With Three Small Children Escaped to the Russian Controlled TerritoryFootage From the War in Ukraine
4 days agoUkrainian woman's husband exposes Ukraine media manipulation, war & corruptionFree Your Mind Videos
1 day agoIskander Strike on a Concentration of Ukrainian Troops and Equipment in ChernihivFootage From the War in Ukraine
11 months agoZelenský vedl divné řeči a vůbec poprvé naznačil, že Ukrajina nemusí válku vyhrát!AENews
2 months agoThere are as many Ukrainians living in Russia as there are in Ukraine, maybe even more – PutinRTVerified
11 months agoUkrajina chce vydávat mezinárodní zatykače na studenty v EU, kteří odmítnou návrat na Ukrajinu!AENews