CBDC | "This Is Real Trouble. If They Implement This Central Bank Digital Currency And Combine It With the Predictive Capabilities of Artificial Intelligence You Are Going to Have a Real Problem. You Think You Are Going to Be Able to Buy a Gun?"
Dr. Simone Gold | “Myself And My Colleagues Were Propagandized To Disarm Our Patients Of Guns, To Believe And To Teach Critical Race Theory And To Favor The State Over The Family.” - Dr. Simone Gold
Guns | "In Assigning of Fiduciary, VA Must Also Report the Beneficiary to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, AS UNDER THE LAW THEY ARE ADJUDICATED AS MENTALLY DEFECTIVE. This Reporting Prevents"
Father James Altman | "These Traitors To The Constitution The First Thing They Try To Do Is Take Away The Guns From The Decent Folk Who Didn't Commit The Crime."