New UK Show called ‘Naked Education’ celebrates adults getting naked in front of children. The show says it is for “body positivity,” and not normalising pedophilia, of course.
CBDCs | "When You Look At Vaccine Refusers, We'll Just Get Rid of All of the White In the United States." - Carol Baker (Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee On Immunization Appointed By President Obama)
CBDCs | "I Think You Scare the Public If You Put This Out. Should I Be Concerned About My Bank." - The FDIC’s Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee (SRAC) - November 2022
Bill Gates is behind the mass murder of innocent children through his DTP vaccines. Danish study looked at 30 years of data and the girls who had received the DTP vaccine were ten times more likely to die than unvaccinated children.
Laurie Gaddis Barrett Speaking On Behalf Or ParentsUnitedRI To Smithfield School Committee That Parental Rights Are Sovereign To The Best Interests Of Their Children